2019 NCPC Meet: Lititz, Pennsylvania (near Hershey)

The NCPC has disbanded.

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There are many interesting Chrysler-related videos at Youtube.com/@motalesdave as well.

The 41st Annual NCPC National Meet was held on July 18-20, at the Hotel Rock Lititz in Lititz, PA; it’s convenient to Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Hershey. Thanks to meet hosts Angela Kline, Alex Liebergall, Bonnie Parker, and Kevin Dusch.


Thursday, July 18

Friday, July 19

Saturday, July 20

A portion of the proceeds were donated to support Lititz Fire Company No. 1.

Other meets of interest • 2020 meet

Hosting via David Zatz, creator of MoTales, a Chrysler heritage/current info site